Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Domestic abuse crime considered by ministers

A new offence could end ambiguity over the criminal definition of abuse, ministers say

 A new crime of domestic abuse could be created under plans being considered by ministers.

Home Secretary Theresa May is consulting on creating the offence in England and Wales as part of attempts to improve police performance.

Existing law already covers coercive and controlling behaviour - but it does not explicitly apply to relationships.

Earlier this year Mrs May ordered chief constables to come up with domestic abuse action plans by September.

Last year ministers redefined domestic abuse, telling forces and other criminal justice agencies that it included both violence and acts of psychological control that left victims in terror.

There are a string of laws that already cover acts of violence, stalking and harassment - but none of them refer in their wording to personal relationships or the precise terms of the official definition of domestic abuse.

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